What can emerge from basic research? This question followed Lena Bernstein during her studies in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Jena. To find answers, she chose to write her bachelor’s thesis at a biotechnology company. She shares her experience at oncgnostics GmbH in this report: 

I now see the purpose of my studies and the tangible impact that research can have on everyday life. This is the insight I’ve gained from five months at oncgnostics. It was important to look beyond the confines of the university for my thesis. And I succeeded in doing that here. 

University is research, but what happens to the results?  

Sure, a lot of basic research is conducted at universities. That’s important. But I also wondered, what happens with the results of this research? What benefit do these findings have for society?  

Since I’m interested in tumor development and diagnostics, I proactively applied for an internship at oncgnostics GmbH. I was thrilled when I received an offer to write my bachelor’s thesis there as well. My task was to contribute to the further development of a cervical cancer test which was based on epigenetic markers – one of their products.  

Currently, women still need to visit their gynecologist to have a sample taken for the oncgnostics cervical cancer test. For many women, this can be a hurdle. Some, whether because of personal or religious reasons, find visiting the gynecologist an uncomfortable experience. And in countries with poor infrastructure, seeing a gynecologist is often impossible. 

Couldn’t women also collect the sample themselves? Would a self-sampling test be possible? My bachelor thesis at oncgnostics helped clarify these questions and gave me first-hand experience with what can emerge from research.  

Bachelor’s thesis: Self-sampling works  

In my bachelor’s thesis, I followed a multi-step approach. I initially compared different methods for preparing patient samples and assessed them using two DNA methylation tests to determine the best self-sampling method. Additio

Bachelorarbeit in Biotechnologieunternehmen: Lena Berstein bei Laborarbeiten in der oncgnostics GmbH

nally, since there are various products available for women to perform a vaginal swab on themselves, I aimed to identify which product was superior. This was done by providing four different self-sampling kits to each of the participants and surveying their experience with the products. We wanted to not only determine which swab collection kit women found easiest to use, but also whether women are even willing to use a self-sampling test for cancer diagnostic purposes.  

It was gratifying to have two clear results at the end of my thesis: Yes, self-sampling works for the oncgnostics cervical cancer test. And yes, women are willing to use self-sampling methods. 

I’m doing something meaningful at oncgnostics  

Writing my bachelor’s thesis at a biotechnology company like oncgnostics had several advantages. I was able to work directly with patient samples – real human samples. This was an opportunity I rarely received at university. Moreover, the research questions of a company are different than in a university. In a company, everything is geared towards a specific purpose. So I felt that what I did mattered and had practical applications, especially because I was contributing to the further development and optimization of a real product. Now I can live with the knowledge that, if oncgnostics brings a self-sampling cervical cancer test to market, I will have played a small part in making it happen.

Prof. Dr Harald zur Hausen died on 28 May 2023. With his research, he laid the foundation for a new way of cancer prevention. We at oncgnostics commemorate the internationally renowned virologist not only because of his pioneering spirit, but also because our work is closely related to the 2008 Nobel Prize winner in Medicine.   

Proof: HPV triggers cervical cancer  

In the 1980s zur Hausen proved that human papillomaviruses (HPV) can trigger cervical cancer and other types of tumours. The virus is sexually transmitted and is very common. In most cases, the body’s own immune system fights the pathogen, but in a few cases, tumour cells can develop from an HPV infection.  

Zur Hausen: Pioneer in cancer prevention  

Initially, zur Hausen’s research was seen more as an outsider’s view, but with the proof that HPV is responsible for the development of certain types of cancer, he laid the foundation for a new kind of cancer prevention. By realising that certain viruses are responsible for the development of tumours, zur Hausen created the prerequisite for the development of vaccines. Since 2007, the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) has recommended vaccination against HPV. Colloquially, this is also called the “cervical cancer vaccination”, even though it also protects against other types of tumours triggered by HPV.  

Close relationship with the tumour virologist  

We at oncgnostics feel closely connected to Prof. zur Hausen in several ways. The tumour virologist was the doctoral supervisor of oncgnostics co-founder and advisory board member Prof. Matthias Dürst. The former head of gynaecological molecular biology at the Jena University Women’s Hospital made a significant contribution to the research that led to zur Hausen being awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.  

We remember Prof. zur Hausen as an outstanding scientist who established a new way of preventing cancer. We want to take his enthusiasm as a model, which was unbroken despite skepticism and finally led to success.  



Photo credits: Armin Kuebelbeck; Net Vector / Shutterstock.com 

Close the care gap – that is the slogan of this year’s World Cancer Day on 4th of February. Cancer can be prevented and lives saved through screening. Preventive measures are still too seldom taken. oncgnostics GmbH has set itself the goal to improve cancer diagnostics in order to detect more cases at an early stage by developing molecular tests.

Example: cervical cancer

Cervical cancer can be prevented through screening. Nevertheless, about 300,000 women die of it every year.[1] Although there are ways to prevent cervical cancer or at least detect it early:

Firstly, girls and boys can be vaccinated against human papilloma viruses (HPV) – if possible before their first sexual contact. HPV are the main cause of cervical cancer. Secondly, women can have an HPV test and/or Pap smear performed by their gynaecologist. Whether there is organized screening available varies from country to country. But regular screening is important, as the problem with cervical cancer, but also with vaginal and endometrial cancer is: symptoms appear very late and are rather unspecific.

The WHO has proclaimed the goal of eliminating cervical cancer[3]. oncgnostics GmbH is also committed to this goal: “We have the necessary knowledge and the means to prevent cervical cancer. Screening has to be be implemented consistently in order to save lives,” says Dr. Martina Schmitz, Managing Director of oncgnostics GmbH.

Early detection tests revolutionise cancer diagnostics

oncgnostics GmbH was founded in 2012 to revolutionise cancer diagnostics on a molecular biological basis. The early detection test GynTect was already launched in 2015. It not only reliably detects cervical cancer, but also makes it possible to see if abnormalities found by other examinations are developing into cervical cancer. This year, another test was launched: ScreenYu Gyn has the same scope like GynTect. However, more tests can be performed and evaluated at the same time in the laboratory. It is therefore particularly suitable for underserved regions of the world.

Oncgnostics is also developing a test for the early detection and follow-up of head and neck tumours, which is carried out with a saliva sample or a mouth swab. The test is currently being tested in trials.

How can a test predict that cancer will develop?

The tests from oncgnostics detect changes in DNA that only occur when cells develop into tumour cells – even if the cancer is not yet present. The company has patented certain biomarkers. Biomarkers are specific characteristics and properties in the human body. The biomarkers defined by oncgnostics, changes in the DNA, allow to identify whether a tissue change is benign or will further develop into cancer.

“We look into the smallest unit of the body: the DNA in the cells. With our defined biomarkers , we can perform very accurate diagnostics,” explains Dr Martina Schmitz, Managing Director of oncgnostics GmbH.




Titelbild: shutterstock.com/irkus


Kostenfreies Bildmaterial: www.oncgnostics.com/downloads




Robert Koch-Institut (2019): Zentrum für Krebsregisterdaten. Gebärmutterhalskrebs (Zervixkarzinom): www.krebsdaten.de/Krebs/DE/Content/Krebsarten/Gebaermutterhalskrebs/gebaermutterhalskrebs_node.html




Schriftzug: World Health Organization (Shutterstock.com/Skorzewiak)

The WHO’s cervical cancer strategy has been in place since 2020, when the World Health Organization highlighted that cervical cancer still is the fourth most common cancer in women worldwide. In 2018, the disease claimed the lives of more than 300 000 women, despite the fact that cervical cancer is actually easily treatable or even preventable. This prompted the WHO to act.

Avoiding cervical cancer

There are two important measures for preventing cervical cancer from developing:

  • Vaccination against HPV: Cervical cancer is caused by an infection with human papillomaviruses. In most cases, an HPV infection heals on its own, without any symptoms. In rare cases, a long-term infection with HPV causes changes in the tissue. These can regenerate on their own – or develop into cervical cancer via precancerous lesions. Almost everyone becomes infected with HPV in the course of their life. The viruses are sexually transmitted. Unfortunately, condoms do not provide sufficient protection against HPV transmission.
  • Cervical cancer screening: Cervical cancer develops slowly, usually over several years. Therefore, this type of cancer can be detected very well already in its preliminary stages. A good cancer screening programme is a prerequisite for diagnosing and treating cervical cancer early. In most countries, the Pap test and HPV tests are used for this purpose. In a Pap test, a cervical smear sample is examined for abnormal cells under the microscope. An HPV test detects an existing infection with high-risk HPV.

Diagnosing cervical cancer

The Pap and HPV tests primarily give an indication that a woman is at risk of developing or, in rare cases, already having the disease. To diagnose cervical cancer with certainty, requires further examinations. Here, too, the procedure is similar in most countries:

  • Watchfull Waiting or waiting: depending on the severity of the abnormality detected during cancer screening, the affected woman is called back in at shorter intervals. The tests are then repeated to see if there are any changes.
  • Colposcopy: The colposcope is a special examination microscope used to look closely at the affected areas of the cervix. For this examination, the woman has to go to a specialist consultation, because not every gynaecologist can carry out a colposcopy himself. This may mean waiting times for an appointment.
  • Test based on epigenetic biomarkers: A test for cervical cancer that uses epigenetic biomarkers to diagnose cervical cancer looks directly into the affected cells. It is used for triaging women with abnormal Pap test or positive HPV test result. It examines the DNA of the cells and can reliably clarify if these women are really at risk of developing or already having cervical cancer. For this type of diagnosis, a swab sample, like the one the gynaecologist takes from the cervix for Pap and HPV tests, is sufficient.

WHO strategy to fight cervical cancer

In 2020, the World Health Assembly adopted a Global Strategy to fight Cervical Cancer. As a target, the organisation calls on all countries to reduce their incidence rate to four per 100 000 women. To achieve this goal, the WHO relies on three central pillars:

  • Vaccination: 90% of girls fully vaccinated with the HPV vaccine by the age of 15;
  • Screening: 70% of women screened using a high-performance test by the age of 35, and again by the age of 45;
  • Treatment: 90% of women with pre-cancer treated and 90% of women with invasive cancer managed

According to WHO, these targets should be reached by 2030 so that cervical cancer can be called eliminated.



Source: WHO – World Health Organization

Cover picture: www.Shutterstock.com/Skorzewiak



Test auf Gebärmutterhalskrebs durch Studie bestätigt

Independent study in cervical cancer screening:

The GynTect test for cervical cancer screening is highly informative regarding whether cervical cancer is present or likely to develop. In addition, GynTect is well suited for sampling by the patient herself (self-sampling). All these points are confirmed by a recently published study from China.

The Chinese diagnostics company GeneoDx, a subsidiary of the Sinopharm Group, markets the GynTect clarification test under exclusive licence in China. GeneoDx supported a study in which scientists examined the predictive power of GynTect in more detail. The study with the short title “Methylation panel for the clarification of HPV-positive women” has now been published.

Subject of the study

9,526 women from rural areas of China took part. These have difficult access to medical services. For this reason, the women performed the smear sampling for the HPV test themselves. Many of them participated in cervical cancer screening for the first time.

Of the 9,526 women, 1,758 tested positive for HPV. The samples of these women were then tested for HPV types 16 and 18. Furthermore, smear samples were taken by the doctor and GynTect was performed on these samples. The women were also examined by colposcopy and, if necessary, biopsy and continued to participate in the study. They were followed up annually with HPV tests. HPV-positive women again received a colposcopy and, if necessary, a biopsy was taken.


If there is an abnormality, women currently are examined every three to six months. This is not feasible for many in poorly accessible regions. This problem does not only exist in China, but in many regions worldwide. With GynTect, all it takes is a smear test and the women have certainty. This way we can save lives,” explains Dr Martina Schmitz, Managing Director of oncgnostics GmbH.

Study shows potential of GynTect

The study demonstrated that GynTect, with which methylation markers are detected, has very good predictive power, especially in combination with HPV typing: women who were initially both HPV16 or HPV18 positive and GynTect positive had the highest risk of developing the disease. Women who were infected with a different HPV type and were GynTect-negative had the lowest risk.

Based on several references, the authors of the study also assume that GynTect is suitable to be used as a self-sampling test. This means that the women take the sample themselves, which is then sent to a laboratory for testing. The intermediate step via medical personnel is eliminated. In addition, the study concludes that GynTect has the potential to be used in primary screening. The referral rate for colposcopy was reduced by 55.6% through the use of GynTect. Thus, the study also shows that overdiagnosis and overtreatment can be avoided through GynTect.


“For us, the study confirms once again that we are on the right track to develop our screening test GynTect into a test that will be an integral part of cervical cancer screening. If we then also develop a reliable self-sampling test, we can revolutionise cervical cancer screening,” summarises Dr Martina Schmitz.

How does cervical cancer develop?

The main cause of cervical cancer is infection with human papillomaviruses (HPV). It takes several years from infection to the development of cancer. Modern screening methods can detect cervical cancer early and treat it well. Deaths are therefore preventable.

Figures for Germany (all figures annually) [1]

  • 6 million women infected with HPV[2], of which several hundred thousand have cytological abnormalities.
  • 4,300 are diagnosed with cervical cancer
  • 1,600 die from cervical cancer

Figures for China (all data annually) [3]

  • Around 110,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer
  • around 59,000 die of cervical cancer

How GynTect works

The molecular biological test GynTect, developed by oncgnostics, determines at an early stage whether a patient with an abnormal finding in the cervical cancer screening is developing or already has a cervical carcinoma (cervical cancer) that needs to be treated.

The screening test detects epigenetic changes, so-called DNA methylations. All that is needed to carry out the test is a smear, as is also taken for thin-layer cytology or the HPV test.

Conclusion: GynTect is ideal for clarifying a positive HPV test.

This means that GynTect with its very good predictive power is an optimal clarification option in HPV-based screening. GeneoDx has also recently received approval from the competent Chinese authority NMPA (National Medical Products Administration) for precisely this clarification in an HPV-based screening.


Free image material: www.tower-pr.com/oncgnostics

[1] Robert Koch-Institut (2018): Zentrum für Krebsregisterdaten. Gebärmutterhalskrebs (Zervixkarzinom): www.krebsdaten.de/Krebs/DE/Content/Krebsarten/Gebaermutterhalskrebs/gebaermutterhalskrebs_node.html

[2] https://www.frauenaerzte-im-netz.de/erkrankungen/humane-papillomviren-hpv/uebertragung-verbreitung/

[3] https://hpvcentre.net/statistics/reports/CHN_FS.pdf?t=1653896959645


Photo: Shutterstock.com/Hannamariah

Welttag der sexuellen Gesundheit. Bild: melitas

There are many more aspects to the topic of sexual health than are apparent at first glance. We want to use World Sexual Health Day as an opportunity to draw attention to cervical cancer, which develops from a sexually transmitted HPV infection.

Definition of sexual health

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines sexual health as a state of mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Thus, it does not only mean the absence of disease or dysfunction. The WHO definition also includes respect for sexual rights of all people to have sexual experiences that are free from coercion, discrimination and violence.

World Health Organization

Sexual health and cervical cancer

When talking about sexual health, cervical cancer also has to be discussed. Because already the development of cervical cancer is related to the sexual activity of the affected woman. An infection with human papilloma viruses (HPV) is responsible for the development of cancer of the uterine cervix. These are usually transmitted during sexual intercourse. The HP viruses are widespread. Thus, almost everyone becomes infected with HPV at least once in his or her life. In most cases, this is not bad at all. Most people do not even notice their infection. But in a few cases, HPV infection can develop into e.g. cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is curable when detected early

The good thing, however, is that cervical cancer develops slowly, over years and in preliminary stages. For the women affected, the chances are therefore good that the disease will be detected early, and treated in good time. For this reason, every woman should take advantage of the cancer screening measures offered by her gynecologist.
HPV is also associated with other cancers, including cancer of the mouth and throat, anus, penis, vagina and vulva.

HPV-positive or Pap smear is abnormal

Depending on the age of the woman, screening for cervical cancer includes a Pap test and/or a test for HPV. If the tests reveal abnormalities, there is usually only a hint of possible cancer. Sometimes the tests give a false alarm, as the HPV infection heals without any problems or slight abnormalities disappear on their own. For this reason, the gynecologist decides whether further examinations are necessary or whether the affected woman should repeat the tests after a certain period of time, usually three to six months. This procedure is also called watchful waiting.

Unclear findings put a strain on the psyche

Unclear findings place a great deal of psychological strain on affected women. This was made clear in a study published in 2020. This psychological stress can even go so far that the affected women develop signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. For this reason, we are campaigning for more accurate and rapid diagnostics of cervical cancer and for more comprehensive education.

World Sexual Health Day raises awareness

World Sexual Health Day was launched in 2010 by the World Association for sexual health (WAS). It aims to promote sexual health, well-being and rights for all.
We are happy to do our part for sexual health by providing education in our field. Our goal is to fight cervical cancer with accurate and early diagnostics.


Photo: melitas


Symbolbild: Frauengesundheit, Vulva- und Vaginalkrebs

There is still no targeted method for early detection of vulvar and vaginal cancer. This is despite the fact that an estimated 45,240 women worldwide were diagnosed with vulvar cancer in 2020, and more than 17,000 people even died from it. Vaginal cancer occurs slightly less frequently – with around 18,000 new cases and 8,000 deaths in 2020 worldwide. [1] Oncgnostics has done first approaches for molecular diagnostics using epigenetic markers.

Diagnosis of vulvar and vaginal cancer

The diagnosis of vulvar or vaginal cancer is usually an incidental finding made by a gynaecologist during a gynaecological examination. There is no special test for vulvar or vaginal cancer. This can have fatal consequences, because here, too, the earlier the cancer is detected, the better its chances of being cured.

HPV infection as a risk factor

Infection with human papillomaviruses is considered one of the risk factors for vulvar and vaginal cancer, while some vulvar cancers develop from a skin disease of the vulva called lichen sclerosus. The affected women usually do not experience any symptoms. For this reason, women usually only find out about their HPV infection when they attend their regular check-up at the gynaecologist. HP viruses are widespread. Almost all people get infected with HPV at some point in their lives; it is the most common sexually transmitted infection. But the good news is: In most cases, an HPV infection heals on its own and only in rare cases does it actually develop into cancer. This process can take years. For this reason, good diagnostics could give women the chance to detect cancer early, possibly in its preliminary stages.

Protection against vulvar or vaginal cancer

Women have the following options to protect themselves: They get vaccinated against human papilloma viruses and they go for regular check-ups. There, the gynaecologist not only arranges an HPV test, but also examines visual changes in the vulva and vagina. If the test is positive, further examinations are ordered.

Methylation test for vulva and vaginal cancer

oncgnostics GmbH has investigated the possibilities of a methylation test for the diagnosis of vulva and vaginal cancer. The study is based on the biomarkers of GynTect, a proven test for the early detection of cervical cancer. Since all three types of cancer can be caused by HPV, it is reasonable to assume that these markers also occur in malignant vulvovaginal diseases. This assumption was confirmed in initial studies. Swabs from women with vulva or vaginal carcinomas and their precursors were examined: All carcinoma samples that were HPV-positive were also positive in the methylation test. Dr Alfred Hansel sees the results of the study as a promising approach for the development of diagnostics for the early detection of vulvar and vaginal cancer.


The new IVDR

The new IVDR (In-vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Regulation) has been in force since 26 May. As a result, numerous companies have had to adapt their approval processes and internal procedures. The new regulations also present oncgnostics with new challenges. For example, the molecular biological cancer tests now fall into the second highest risk level. This means that significantly more requirements have to be met. 

What is the IVDR?

The In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Regulation, IVDR for short, is an EU regulation that replaces the previous directive, the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Directive (IVDD). Thus, the IVDR regulates the general safety and performance requirements of in vitro medical diagnostics devices within the European Union. Although the new regulation has already existed since 25 May 2017, it is now mandatory after a five-year transition period. For many companies, the new requirements mean major changes.

The most important changes (selection)

The introduction of the new IVDR is accompanied by several changes. The aim of the new regulation is to improve patient safety.

  • New classification of products into four classes: There are risk classes, ascending from A to D.
  • Common specifications: The EU Commission defines common specifications.
  • UDI system: With the help of the Unique Device Identification, UDI for short, the traceability of each product from the patient via the doctor back to the laboratory is to be guaranteed.
  • Every manufacturer of an in-vitro diagnostic product must install a QM system.
  • Technical documentation: especially the requirements for technical, analytical and clinical performance data have increased in scope.
  • Software: The IVDR now formulates specific requirements for products that contain software.

What the new IVDR means for oncgnostics GmbH

oncgnostics launched GynTect, the screening test for cervical cancer, back in 2015. At the time, this was possible with a CE IVD approval through a self-declaration of compliance. In addition, GynTect fell into the “other” category under the previously valid directive. In the new IVDR classification system, GynTect now falls into the second highest risk level “C”. As a result, the conformity assessment procedure has to be carried out with the involvement of a Notified Body. For products that have already been approved, this means that this must take place in four years at the latest. The same applies to the ScreenYu Gyn test, which was approved only recently, in May 2022.

Patient and Physician -PCR test detects cervical precancerous lesions

Jena, Germany, May 25th 2022 – May 28 marks the 35th International Day of Action for Women’s Health. One “female” disease that should no longer exist due to the availability of modern cancer-screening methods is cervical cancer. One step in the direction of abolishing this form of cancer has been taken by the German life science company oncgnosticsIt has namely developed a cancer-screening test called “GynTect”, which can predict whether cervical cancer will develop in a female‘s body.

What happens if the standard gynecologist cancer-screening[1] procedure ends in a positive result, indicating the presence of cancer? Since most abnormalities heal on their own, doctors tend to prefer closely monitoring of the patient and her condition following this test result. They repeat the test after a period of time, leaving these affected women with a highly uneasy feeling of uncertainty.

Cancer test provides certainty for HPV-positive women

By providing women with a clear test result based on real cancer markers, GynTect minimizes this psychologically stressful waiting time for affected women. This test reliably detects changes in the DNA present due to cancer-cell development. As with regular cancer screenings up until now, the gynecologist performs a Pap smear on the patient, taking a swab from the cervix. This sample is then sent to a lab where the PCR-based test is performed.

When GynTect cancer markers are found, women patients need proper and timely treatment. If there are no markers present, these patients can wait with far greater confidence as opposed to fear prior to their next gynecological examination.

“Whereas other lab tests detect HPV or use the microscope to see abnormal cells when analyzing the Pap-test sample, we look DIRECTLY into the cells’ DNA at the molecular level to determine whether cancer-typical changes are found”, says Dr. Martina Schmitz, co-founder and CSO at oncgnostics.

How cervical cancer develops

Cervical cancer almost always develops after an infection involving human papillomaviruses (HPV) and is sexually transmitted. By contrast, other factors such as environmental influences and genetic predisposition play more minor roles.

Compared to other cancer types, cervical cancer can fortunately take years or even decades to develop from an HPV infection. This means that if cancer screening is regularly performed, abnormalities will be found on time.

Regular cancer screening saves lives

Every year about 14,000 women develop cervical cancer[2] and over 5,700 women in the U.S. even die from the disease. Although regular screening is recommended[3], too few women take advantage of it. Some only go to the doctor when they have symptoms. By this time however, this disease can already exist. Resulting treatment can then be long, tedious and psychologically as well as physically exhausting, not to mention much more expensive. For further information and recommendations regarding cervical cancer screening, please go to the website at the American Cancer Society.

“We now have excellent possibilities of detecting cervical cancer at an early stage. Many women can be spared a lot of suffering. Therefore, all women should take advantage of regular screening”, concludes Dr. Martina Schmitz.


About oncgnostics GmbH:

oncgnostics GmbH has its headquarters in Jena, Germany and specializes in the early detection of cancer. Their cancer-screening tests reveal changes that are characteristic of cancer-cell DNA. Founded in 2012, the company launched GynTect in 2015. As part of this test‘s ability to detect cervical cancer earlier than other existing tests, it can determine whether cervical cancer or its precursors are present in a woman‘s body. GynTect is officially certified in Europe. oncgnostics GmbH is currently developing diagnostic tests for other types of cancer.

For more information, please visit www.oncgnostics.com/en

For free images, click onto the following weblinks: www.oncgnostics.com/downloads and www.tower-pr.com/oncgnostics


oncgnostics GmbH

Löbstedter Str. 41

07749 Jena – Germany

Phone: +49 3641/5548550



[1] https://www.cancer.gov/types/cervical/patient/cervical-screening-pdq#_20

[2] https://hpvcentre.net/statistics/reports/USA_FS.pdf?t=1651740639439

[3] https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cervical-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/cervical-cancer-screening-guidelines.html#:~:text=Cervical%20cancer%20testing%20(screening)%20should,test%20alone%20every%203%20years

WHO empfiehlt einmalige HPV-Impfung (xrender/Shutterstock.com)

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends the one-dose HPV vaccination of girls and women up to 21 years of age instead of the current two-time vaccination. The WHO wants to increase the vaccination rate in the fight against cervical cancer. In principle, we welcome this plan, but we also have reservations regarding the new recommendation[1].

The fact is, cervical cancer is caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV). While not every HPV infection develops into cervical cancer, there are certain high-risk HPV types. They favour the malignant changes in the cells. There is an effective vaccination against some of these high-risk HPV types. In Germany, the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) recommends two doses for girls and boys aged 9-14 for sufficient vaccination protection. Those older than 17 should even be vaccinated three times. HPV is sexually transmitted. Condoms do not provide sufficient protection because the viruses are found throughout the intimate and anal areas. For this reason, immunisation is advisable before the first sexual experience.

HPV causes cancer in men and women

It is also a fact that cervical cancer is not the only cancer that can be caused by HPV. In addition to cervical cancer and cancer of the vulva and vagina, an HPV infection can also lead to malignant cell changes in the mouth and throat area, at the anus and also on the penis. Genital warts are also caused by human papilloma viruses. These are harmless, but very unpleasant. Men can not only transmit HPV, but also suffer from HPV-related cancer themselves. In Germany alone, this affects about 1,600 men a year.[2] HPV vaccination also protects against these cancers.

HPV vaccination: useful for girls and boys

Since HPV can cause cancer in both men and women, it is surprising that the WHO focuses its recommendation on cervical cancer – that is, on women. Especially since it also makes sense in the fight against cervical cancer to get boys on board with the vaccination. After all, they can infect their partners with HPV infection as carriers. Since 2018, the Standing Commission on Vaccination in Germany has recommended vaccination against human papilloma viruses for boys aged nine and older.

Dr Cornelia Hösemann (member of the Saxon vaccination commission) takes a very similar view in an interview with the German TV station MDR[3]. In her eyes, the WHO recommendation is a step backwards, because in her opinion, all sexes should be vaccinated from the age of nine. She would like to see a vaccination rate of 80-90 per cent to achieve collective protection. According to a survey by the Robert Koch Institute, the vaccination rate in Germany in 2015 was only around 45 percent[4] among 17-year-olds. This is the age group in which immunisation should ideally already have been completed.

Making HPV vaccination easier – for everyone

The WHO relies on data that show that a single vaccination against HPV ensures full vaccination protection. A single vaccination would mean lower costs, fewer resources, and it would also be easier to administer the vaccination.[5] Thus, access to HPV vaccination would be more low-threshold.

For the time being, the WHO recommendation is only a recommendation. The implementation must be checked by the individual countries themselves. If the vaccination rate can be increased by a simplified HPV vaccination scheme, this is to be welcomed, but then all sexes should be included.


Literature sources:

[1] WHO

[2] Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

[3] MDR

[4] Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

[5] WHO