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Jena, 20. February, 2019 – The test for early detection of cervical cancer GynTect® may now also be performed on the cobas Z480 analyzer, a widely used quantitative PCR (QPCR) system from Roche Diagnostics. This is now possible through an extension of the GynTect® CE IVD mark (CE mark for in vitro diagnostics). The biotech company oncgnostics GmbH is developer and provider of GynTect®.

GynTect® allows a fast and reliable clarification, if a patient with abnormal Pap smear findings or an HPV infection, is about to develop or already has cervical cancer. GynTect® allows to detect modified, esp. methylated DNA regions. Methylation of these DNA regions specifically occurs in cervical cancer.

Performance of GynTect using the Cobas Z480
Two steps are required for the performance of GynTect®. In the first step a chemical treatment with bisulphite fixates the DNA methylation of the diagnostic material. For the detection of the marker regions a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is required. The cobas Z480 Analyzer by Roche Diagnostics allows the performance of such a diagnostic PCR. Based on the data obtained in the PCR, the GynTect® results are derived. Only originally methylated DNA regions present in the sample are amplified during the PCR. This procedure is termed methylation-specific PCR (MSP).

More laboratories may perform GynTect® now
“By now GynTect® could only be performed on the ABI7500 Real-Time PCR system from Life Technologies. Extension of the CE IVD mark now allows to run the test on the cobas Z480 PCR system as well. With its widespread availability many more laboratories now can perform GynTect® without any additional expenses”, Alfred Hansel, co-founder and CEO of oncgnostics said.

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