Our investors
High-Tech Gruenderfonds invests in young, high-potential high-tech start-ups. The seed financing provided is designed to enable start-ups to take an idea through prototyping and to market launch.
In the framework of the Thuringian network for the formation of innovative companies (ThEx Innovativ), STIFT supports newly established technology-oriented innovative companies. Furthermore, STIFT acts as side investor in the early-phase financing of high-tech companies. The innovative degree of the concept and the entrepreneurial potential are decisive for an investment, without any focus on specific business areas.
The Erfurt-based bm|t beteiligungsmanagement thüringen gmbh – a subsidiary of the Thüringer Aufbaubank – is the management company for six investment funds with a total volume of 250 m €. bm|t invests in innovative companies of all high-yield sectors and in all stages of a company’s life cycle, from start-up to IPO or MBO.
Since more than 185 years Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland is a strong and reliable regional partner. With its large branch network the consultants are always very close to the customers and can make decisions quickly and directly. Sparkasse offers everything from giro account, estate procurement and financing, to business banking and corporate customer service. As a public sector institution Sparkasse is dedicated to the common good, the regional economic development and the people living in the area.
Anastasia Borghardt is Managing Shareholder of ITAI GmbH (Aschaffenburg, Germany), a company which invests in small and medium-sized enterprises having the perspective for success in growth markets. Well-positioned and innovative products are of prime importance for a positive investment decision.
oncgnostics is part of the InfectoGnostics research campus in Jena which is a public-private partnership developing new methods in infection diagnostics. In a triad of technology, application and production, more than 30 partners from science, medicine and industry are developing marketable solutions for rapid and cost-effective diagnostics of infections.