GynTect® test procedure

Quick certainty for your patient – only few days from cervical smear to lab result

For the performance of GynTect® a smear from the cervix is taken and transfered to a specific medium provided either by oncgnostics or by the diagnostic labs performing GynTect® (see „Information for diagnostic labs“). You receive a result within a few days.
Download flyer GynTect® for physicians/diagnostic labs.

The five steps leading to the GynTect® result:

1. Recommend, that your patient gets GynTect®;

2. Get a cervical sampler from your diagnostic laboratory or from oncgnostics;

3. Take a cervical smear and send it to your diagnostic lab or to oncgnostics;

4. GynTect® is performed and You get the result;

5.Discuss the result with your patient.