Tag Archive for: Shenzhen

The oncgnostics managers together with Geneo Dx managers and colleagues.

Dr. Martina Schmitz and Dr. Alfred Hansel, our CSO and CEO, have just come back from a visit in China, with days full of exciting events, dates and a few hours for sightseeing.

Shanghai at night

Shanghai at night









Shenzhen – Finals of the “Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Convention (IEIC)”

Having reached a second place at the European finals in Berlin, we were invited to participate in the IEIC Shenzhen. There, Alfred Hansel had the opportunity to present oncgnostics, to visit several science and technology parks and incubators, and to discuss cooperation options.

Shanghai – China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF)

Whereas Alfred Hansel visited Shenzhen, Martina Schmitz attended the international tradefair for medical technology CMEF in Shanghai. More than 4,000 exhibitors showed their latest developments and newest products to ca. 500,000 visitors. The chinese oncgnostics partner GeneoDx also had a booth – and presented our test GynTect!


Luxiang Cheng, Business Development Manager at GeneoDx, and Dr. Martina Schmitz in front of the GynTect Roll-Up










Visit at GeneoDx

Finally, Martina Schmitz and Alfred Hansel visited our license partner GeneoDx. The contract for the exclusive cooperation concerning GynTect was signed a year ago, when GeneoDx still had its old name CJMT. Along with the renaming, GeneoDx moved to new facilities in Shanghai.

In the new facilities, GeneoDx has established the production of GynTect, and the CFDA has approved this production. Now GeneoDx will have to perform trials that are required in order to get final approval for the test. We discussed the trial design, in order to help GeneoDx design a trial protocol that may be discussed with the authorities. We also discussed options for further cooperation beyond GynTect.

„We could spend a lot of time with our partners at GeneoDx, and we were glad to meet some of the people again whom we had shown how to produce and how to perform GynTect last year in our labs. It was exciting to visit their new research labs as well as the GynTect production facility“, Martina Schmitz said.

The oncgnostics managers were then invited to get a taste of the typical Chinese cuisine, before they took their way back to Germany after some really exciting days.

Traditional Chinese Meal with the Colleagues from Geneo Dx.

Traditional Chinese Meal with the Colleagues from Geneo Dx.